First Guest Blog!

My friend Valerie posted a link on Facebook the other week, about a mom-centered website looking for guest food bloggers.

I figured, why not, and sent in a quick email and links to this blog. I received an email back inviting me to write a guest blog for them to post, with a chance at getting to write more later on. I opted for a kid-friendly stuffed muffin recipe that works great for bentos and freezes well.

The blog posted today:

If you'd like to help me out, leave a comment there on my guest blog or link up a recipe of your own on their linky. The amount of comments/recipes per post are helping them determine who might get the chance to keep writing for them and I'd really really like to!


  1. How exciting! I'll head over to check out what your wrote. I hope you get it!

  2. Those sound really good. I have a question though - when you send them in lunches, do you warm them somehow or just eat them cold?
    I love your blog, thanks for sharing your ideas!

  3. One question--what do you do with the extra bits from stuff you cut out? I just started doing this, and I've been cutting out fun shapes from turnips. So far, I've been eating the scraps for my veggie, which is fine... I'm wondering about sandwiches, though. I saw some cute, tiny sandwiches on one of Ben's lunches--what happens to the rest of the sandwich? I think sandwich scraps wouldn't be enough for me, plus, to be honest, the prospect of eating all scraps at lunch from now on is a bit disheartening. I would like a pretty lunch occasionally too!

  4. Depends on what I send. For Ben, this year, I can warm stuff because he only goes to afternoon preschool and it's still warm when he eats. Usually, the kids just eat things cold. Faith says the muffins & quiches are all fine cold (I'm pickier than she is, so I have to nuke them to eat).

    Extra bits, with fruit & veggies, I'll put the pretty shapes on top and they get the bits chopped up underneath. With sandwiches, I usually have them in the kitchen with me and they'll eat the spoils as I'm making them. I try to use the best combos of cutters for the most coverage, then they'll eat the rest as we're packing it all. I often refer to them as my very own pack of rabid hyenas. Food does not last long around here. A few weeks ago, they ate a pound of grapes while I was in the shower and left me a sad grape carcass on the table. ;o)


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