Yet Another Halloween Bento

I promise, after Sunday, I'll switch themes for a bit, but for now, I'm loving the last few days leading up to Halloween.

After my weekend in Austin at Bloggy Bootcamp, I came home to kids who made their own bentos and a lack of leftovers to work with. Thankfully, I had made BBQ brisket Thursday night and no one had eaten those leftovers (obviously, this is not today's actual lunch, we are not eating week-old brisket). Of course, there was also no bread out, so instead of brisket sandwiches, we had brisket wraps!

Faith has a BBQ brisket wrap with monterey jack cheese and whole grain tortillas, topped with a ghost pick to hold it in place. To the left of it are pretzels and purple grapes, to the right half of a crescent donut (OK, iffy nutritional quality, but yummy). She also has strawberry yogurt and cantaloupe chunks. We're not varying the fruit a lot this week because my mom ordered a Halloween fruit bouquet for the kids and I don't want to stock up before it arrives.

We're packed in an Easy Lunchbox again, because Ben has a similar meal and I could stack them in the cooler. In their newsletter, they said orders resume shipping in mid-November, and the free cooler offer is extended till 10-November if you still want to order a set!


  1. Don't feel bad about the Halloween themes I'm loving them, they are too cute! =)

  2. Thanks for following my blog. I love yours and look forward to catching up on past posts.

    Love & Sunshine!

  3. What is the trick to keeping the foods from jumbling? For instance, if I did this the grapes and cheese would end up in the yogurt (4 and 5 y/o like to toss the bags around). Perhaps my container choice?

  4. @Tipler Boys - The Easy Lunchboxes have grooved lids, so the yogurt is it's own section completely, same with the cantaloupe. There's no gap in the lid for the food to spill over. We actually took these to martial arts for dinner one night, so I had them both stacked in the cooler with water bottles on top.


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