Baguette Mini-Sandwiches Bento

When we were shopping the other day, we picked up some fresh baguettes and realized they are perfect for mini 2-3 bites sandwiches! Faith was set that we had to have them for lunch this week, and she really really wanted egg salad with them. (Side note, I was craving egg salad after Easter and mentioned how I had made myself an egg salad sandwich while they were in school.)

Faith had three mini egg salad sandwiches on her baguette, along with a homemade banana muffin, strawberries and honeydew. I meant to add carrots or cucumber, but couldn't figure out where to fit them in.  It's packed in our Easy Lunchboxes (also available on Amazon).

It's interesting.  Combined, the baguettes are around half to 3/4 of a normal sandwich, but the kids were so much more intrigued with these than with regular ones.  Nice change up too, and I have one more baguette idea for tomorrow!


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