Pancake & Sausage Puffs {Recipe}

Did you like the pancake puff bento the other day?   F&B absolutely loved it and apparently, it was quite the hit at school too.  And, the puffs?  They are exceedingly easy to make!

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, then in the meantime ...

Cook up some breakfast sausage!  I only had 5 in the fridge, so since this was a test run, that's all I made.  Precooked sausage should work too, just skip frying/heating it.

Cut the sausage into bite sized pieces.  Four per sausage seemed to be the right shape and size for my pans.

Mix up your pancake batter!  My favorite is usually Jamie Oliver's perfect pancake mix, but I happened to have a box of actual pancake mix on hand, so we used that.

Mix it well!  Really really well!  Since it's going to be puffs, not pancakes, make sure all the lumps are out.

Spray your pans with a non-stick spray, then add a small scoop of batter to each cup.  I use a melon baller for the perfect amount without measuring.

Place a sausage piece in the center of each cup and push it down to the bottom, but don't cover it with batter.

Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the edges of the puffs start browning.  (And if you have tips on how to take a good in-oven picture, I'm all ears, mine were horrible!)

Remove from the oven, cool on racks, or do what Ben and I did and sample them as soon as you can pick them up without burning your fingers.  A dab of maple syrup makes them even better!
