Summer Camp, Day 3 Bento

While Ben was at Invention Camp last week, I was off camping with Faith and her Girl Scout troop in a place with no internet.

However, as a very smart bento blogger, I premade the boy's lunches and took pictures of them so I could blog them when I got home.  Go me!

So, on Day 3 of camp, Mr. Ben had chicken salad pockets, made with leftover grilled chicken from a few nights before, stuffed into pita bread halves.  To go with that, he had cubed watermelon, Nature's Valley Apple Cinnamon Nut Clusters, and a couple of chocolate chip cookies.  Lunch is packed in our Easy Lunchboxes.  Since he was staying with my friend from for a couple of days, I kept the decorations to a minimum so she wouldn't have to chase bento pieces around her house.
