Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had a mommy that was totally on the ball and came up with wonderful balanced lunches for her everyday. Faith, however, is not that child, nor am I that Mommy, so I present another "what's left in my house" style lunch:

She has a ham & cheese muffin (thankfully, I made a dozen last go round), a few carrots & a slice of cucumber, mandarin oranges (I'm out of any kind of *real* fruit), a strawberry yogurt jelly & a mini Hershey's bar.
She brought it all home. Apparently, I forgot today was pizza day at school.

She has a ham & cheese muffin (thankfully, I made a dozen last go round), a few carrots & a slice of cucumber, mandarin oranges (I'm out of any kind of *real* fruit), a strawberry yogurt jelly & a mini Hershey's bar.
She brought it all home. Apparently, I forgot today was pizza day at school.
Your blogs are great, thanks for the great ideas