Corndog muffins

Now I will say that there is some debate in our house as to whether or not hot dogs constitute real food. I have been repeatedly outvoted at a tally of 3 for to my lone 1 against.

Due to that, corndog muffins have become a semi-regular dietary staple in my house. The kids enjoy helping to make them, so I roll my eyes, cook them and just let the rest of the family eat them.

You need:
corn muffin mixture - you can make your own or I cheat sometimes & use Jif plus milk & an egg
2-3 hot dogs uncooked but diced
handful of cheddar cheese

Mix the corn muffin mixture per the pacakge directions (Jif is add milk & egg)
Stir in the diced hot dogs and the cheese & mix well.
Spoon into muffin cups and bake at 400 for 15-20 minutes

They can be refrigerated for a few days or you can freeze them and defrost as needed. I've done both with no ill effects.


  1. Mmm! Those sound great! especially with some chili.

  2. I definitely have to try these!!!

    I have some Boy Scout camp outs coming up - could do well carting one or two around for my own meals

    ohh and don't fret over the hot dogs -- they are just a kind of sausage - using up all the odd bits of meat so nothing is wasted!

  3. I wanted to say thanks for the recipe! We used it for our bento lunches last week. I made a double batch and have them in the freezer for another week's lunch when I am short on time :) Thanks!!


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