Preschool Snack Bento #13 - A Simple Snack, because Mommy forgot

I know Ben goes to preschool on Mondays and Wednesdays. He has done that all this year *and* all last year. When Faith was in school, she went on Mondays & Wednesdays as well.

Yet noon on Monday rolled around and it hit me that I had to leave to take Ben to school in a half hour and I had yet to pack a bento lunch or snack for him. And we still kind of needed to make a grocery run.

This is the result:

We opted for meat & cheese kebabs on the leaf picks from the other day and diced canteloupe. Unfortunately, I forgot to send him crackers. At least he only goes for 2.5 hours, right?


  1. I think you did great for forgetting until the last minute. And I'm sure that's plenty of food. Who needs crackers? Protein keeps you full longer anyway! =)

  2. Hi! I just found your blog! I think it's great - I love these skewers - these would make great party food too! I have subscribed to your blog now! Bento Making is my (new) hobby, and my site is at Bento Box Blog


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