Flower Bento for Faith

I really wanted to enter the BOMB contest on HapaBento, and Faith needed a light dinner for after taekwondo tonight, so we both win!

This month, the theme is "flowers".

Miss Faith has cream cheese & strawberry jam flower sandwiches topped with carrot flowers. I used the last of the whole wheat bread and the first of the honey wheat bread to get the two-tone effect (one slice each, cut and flip!). She also has flower stems made out of celery sticks, cucumber & carrot inside out flowers, a couple of cheese & carrot flowers, and a stick of fruit flowers, on lettuce "grass".

Next, she has strawberry slices (not visible at the bottom of the fruit section), cantaloupe chunks, then strawberry & cantaloupe inside out flowers. For a treat, she has a homemade fresh berry muffin, topped with a strawberry flower. Had to carry the theme all the way through.

It's packed up in our EasyLunchbox which we're finding works really well with fresh fruit. Nothing else is soggy!


  1. OK, here's another question (I'm finding I have millions of them)... does everything actually stay put in the container? how do you get the flowers & stems to actually still look like flowers & stems when she gets to open her lunch box?

  2. LOL, because this one is going with us tonight and I'm carrying it. ;o) The layout probably would not stay well, unless the carrier was careful. Faith is pretty good at that, but Ben isn't.

  3. Came over from Easy Lunch boxes on Facebook. Love your box, so creative. I just started to do Bento for my girls along with using them for MTM, it's so much fun! Off to browse you blog some more, just love it!

  4. This is so cute. I actually did a post with some school lunch recipes and I am going to link over to you because these are too cute to miss.


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