Preschool Bento #46 - Pierogi & Tomato-Red Pepper Dip

Preschool Monday was yesterday, but some of us came home with a headache. After managing to tutor 8th grade math for an hour and a half, then attend a kindergarten orientation, some of us went to bed at 7pm. On the plus side? No headache this morning!

Pre-headache, I decided to experiment a little and cooked up some pierogis for the kids. Now, they aren't as good as my mom's, but they'll do!

Mr. Ben took one cheese & one potato pierogi, with blackberries & grapes, and a little container of homemade dip for the pierogis.

What kind of dip, you may be wondering? So glad you asked! ;o)

It's a combination of fresh roasted red peppers & tomatoes with cream cheese and is so yummy! It's a bit liquidy above, from running through the food processor, but it thickened back up once it was in the fridge again. The kids have decided it's good with crackers & bread, with carrots/cucumber/celery, and with the pierogis.

(BTW, that is my mini-chopper which is possibly my favorite kitchen gadget of all times! I use it constantly.)


  1. Oh that looks really yummy! I'll have to try that dip out. BTW love the new look!

  2. Yummm!! Pierogi is one of our favorite meals :D The dip sounds really good I will have to give that one a try

  3. Yippee! Pierogi!!! :) I love your bentos! They are so cute!


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