Tuesday Bento & a New Box!

We took F&B to Borders on Sunday because Faith had finished with their summer reading program and wanted to get her free book. I had, in the back of my head, a little tidbit floating around that Borders carried Paperchase products and that Paperchase had bento product.

I was *not* disappointed.

We left with the perfect new box for Mr. Ben, complete with lovely little aliens on the cover!!!

Paperchase Alien Bento Box

Of course, we had to try out the box and see how it worked. We took the kids to Scarborough Faire yesterday, so it had to wait till today's lunch. Perfect for my little guy! I love the double compartment on the right, much better for fruits/veggies to keep things separate.

Paperchase Alien Bento Box

Ben has a freshly baked chicken-veggie muffin (I tried layering the chicken/veggies at the bottom this time, I think it ended up cooking better). He has a zucchini-raisin cookie, cut in half to fit in the box, and some chunks of pepper jack cheese. In the upper right compartment, he has carrots & celery and in the lower right compartment, he has strawberries & blackberries.

Now I need a girly version of this box for Faith!!!


  1. Were there any left? I might have to get a couple...

  2. I went to the one in Allen, that was the only one they had and they only had one of it.

    Have not been to Plano. If you end up at that one, keep an eye out for a girly version for Faith (or grab one and I'll come get it & pay you back)?

  3. at my borders in california, they have blue ones with dogs and one with cats (and the robot one) no pink! and i have boy/girl twins. ack!

  4. Love the aliens, thinking C already needs a new box (or mama just wants to buy more)whatever the case, I'd like to find a box like that :)

  5. Do you know if these are available online? I love these designs.

  6. I'm not sure about online. I thought I read somewhere that they were in-store only, and that Borders is the only US supplier?

  7. There was one robot one left, but the only girly one there was a blue one called Day Trippers, and it had one removable divider and some cutlery.


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