Muffin Tin Monday - "Random" theme

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Random can be a theme, right? It's been a busy week and while I had it together enough to do Muffin Tin Monday, I didn't quite have it together enough to do a themed Muffin Tin Monday.

Judging by the airplane, this was Ben's tin. He had a tuna salad sandwich on honey wheat bread, topped with a cheese airplane, some blackberries, two mini chocolate chip muffin bites, watermelon, grapes, and celery/carrot sticks with a bit of ranch dip.

If you figure out *a* theme for this, leave it in the comments! I've looked at it for awhile and can't seem to come up with one. ;o)

Check out Muffin Tin Monday for more fun tins!


  1. I love the mini cups for the dip!

  2. WOW this looks amazing. What a great Tin.

  3. You could make the theme a story theme like "to grandmothers house we go"?

  4. I think I have to start making those now when the school is over... My daughter is not so keen on eating normal lunches at home.

  5. i would say it could easily be airplane with clouds, and the sticks as wings. luggage for watermelon

  6. Good gracious, that's a cute meal!!!! Yum, blackberries.

  7. I think you have a rainbow there, just not in order...

  8. Great tin!! We have a lot of random tins:)

  9. It looks great even without a theme! :0)

  10. You got yourself some new picks! Nice MTM, I really like the little silicone heart cup. The celery placement reminds me of wings - like on a bikers tatoo. (LOL)

  11. I love the mini heart cup for the dip...Emily would love that :0)

  12. Thanks everyone!

    @Melissa, I have a few new things, but mostly it's being back home and having access to my big closet. Most of July has tons of repeat accessories since I couldn't bring it all to Canada with me. I missed my big closet o' stuff!

  13. All the brightly colored fruits and veggie look wonderful.


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