Today I Ate a Rainbow Review

Since we're still in Canada, it only seems appropriate to share an awesome Canadian product--the Today I Ate a Rainbow chart & book.

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  1. Thank you for posting this. My child has been a severly restrictive eater and we're always looking for ways to get him to eat vegetables.

  2. This looks perfect for our picky eater! Is there a way for you to post a larger picture of the chart? I want to see what it entails before I buy one!

  3. This look so interesting! Too bad they are not shipping to countries other that Canada & US!

  4. I love the chart what a great item to have. The book looks great too.

  5. Stephani, I can post one when I get home (on the road driving back to Dallas, from Canada). Or if you go to the site, Kia (the owner) is really sweet, she might have a bigger graphic for you.


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