A Very Early Halloween Bento

It's been that kind of day. Horrible horrible headache, so I've mostly been on the just-barely-functioning level.

This is actually from the other day, because I didn't have it together enough to make a bento. They are actually kind of lucky I had food for them. ;o) Ben has been dying to use these Halloween picks, so I figured, why not? We actually got them at the Dollar Tree. They aren't real picks, but little pegs for a little triangle memory game, but oh well, they are CUTE! It's only a little over a month until Halloween anyhow! We also made another batch of pizza biscuits, but added a bit of cheddar to the mozzarella (I forgot to buy mozzarella).

I actually have no idea who had this box, I think Ben? Anyhow, there are two pizza biscuits, with the Halloween picks and some extra marinara sauce in the little yellow container to dip the biscuits in. There are a few carrots and cucumber, plus a piece of homemade brownie (I wanted brownies the other night), blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.

The biscuits are a really nice break from sandwiches and the extra sauce was quite the hit with the kids. I don't use a ton of sauce in the biscuits so they don't leak while baking, so this helped to add a bit more.

Oh, and if for any reason you're having trouble with the What's for Lunch Wednesday linkup, I seem to be able to add anyone's to it, so leave me the bento link you want in a comment and I'll put it in for you. :o)


  1. Such cute picks! I love the mini pumpkins and ghost!

  2. You started first to set the mood for Halloween. I like the picks, they will be great for Halloween bento :)

  3. Thanks girls! Some of our stores have Halloween stuff out already, so F&B are in the mood. I need to wait till after my birthday to think about it (7-Oct).

  4. I guess your children is already in mood for Halloween. Well, with those cute picks and the food, who couldn't resist?

  5. Oooh I love the Halloween picks!


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