Needing Bento Supplies?

And want to donate to a good cause while you're at it?

Right now, some bento friends are running a series of auctions on Ebay, with all the proceeds going to Japanese Earthquake Relief funds. F&B and I headed out shopping so we could contribute something too.

We tried to keep things neutral-ish, although Ben did lobby hard for a Peanut-themed box!

Our package features:
  • 1 two-tiered blue box with cute animals (bunny, raccoon & elephant), along with chopsticks & bento band to hold it together
  • 1 two-pack boiled egg molds (star and heart)
  • 1 twenty-pack of lunar new year animal picks (4 each of pink, blue, yellow, green and white with various animals on top)
  • 1 sandwich cutter to make animals and hearts
  • 1 three-pack of fruit cutters in animal shapes (bunny, bear and dog), the small dots on the edges are perfect for cutting eyes and noses!
Everything is new in packages (I used my stash to take pictures because of the wrappers).

It's listed for bids on Ebay here, so feel free to bid on it! :o)

Not quite what you're looking for? Use keywords "bento4Japan" to search for other auctions too!


  1. What a great idea - so bummed you aren't accepting bids from Canada though

  2. I did the same thing, and I have another lot of items I'm putting up on Ebay within the next week. I wish I could have found traditional items. I'm afraid because I don't live in an area that sells them that's it's hard, but hopefully this next lot will do well.

    (I only accept buyers from USA as well; it's more secure. I don't want any problems. Nice and honest transactions.)

    Quick question about the sandwich cutter. I have the same one, and I've tried different sizes of breads (I can't spend too much, or get something my family wont eat.) and I still haven't found a brand that the cutter will cut off all the crusts perfectly. I bought it because I didn't want to waste that much food, that's one reason I make bentos now. Anyway before I blabber on too much...

    What Brand do you use, and how much does it average? Thanks!!

  3. Oh, stupid me!! I just noticed you live in Dallas; I'm near Tyler and if you've ever been there you know what I'm talking about. I'm going to Dallas on Thursday, not exactually sure where, I've been to their airport, some depressed posh mall and some hotel for AKON. I think it's North Dallas, but if there's time we may be going someplace else. (We moved to Texas Summer 08, we're moving back to AZ. My dad is selling his corvette, and I will get sometime to explore. Know any great places, or perhaps a site that links great places? I will search bento later, but I'm sure a local will know more than search agent. Like what's a good place, what's bad. Blabbering on again. If you time to respond, great if not, not to worry. Thanks.


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