Featured Friday

A few 4th of July fun things this week! Less bento, more fun food, although some of them do have bento potential! (I found most of these on Pinterest, but tracked down original links if possible.

Patriotic toast with bananas, blueberries, and strawberry jam

Patriotic strawberries with sugar

Flag pizza!
(I saw one, somewhere, using pepperonis
as the stripes, but cannot track it down again)

So many beautiful things to do with strawberries, blueberries and cream

This cake is too awesome, I love the layering!

As always, all pictures belong to their blog owners, click on them or their attached links to see the full posts on the original sites. (If you would prefer your link not featured, please let me know and I will remove it.)


  1. That toast is awesome! Sucks I don't like bananas, but I am sure a little cream cheese could work...

  2. Even better than Pinterest are these cookies that I made myself! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sgJLYXuj8lU/ThHPdN4bQxI/AAAAAAAAHbs/dowP7vfEPw4/s1600/DSC08210.JPG Posted at: http://www.dianarambles.com/2011/07/cookies-on-stick.html


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