A Goodbyn Bento for a Long Day

We don't use our Goodbyns as much as I'd like. For the average day lunches, they hold quite a bit more food than F&B eat. They do however work well for the husband or for long road trips, and I really really want a Bynto or preferably two, which seems to be the right size for the kids, but I digress.

Today, F&B both have something after school which means neither of them will be home till 4:30. School starts here at 7:30am (don't ask me why, I consider it horrifically early and none of us are morning people). But due to this, we're using our Goodbyns today.

Faith has a sub sandwich made on some leftover buns we had when we barbecued sausage. I think it's ham, muenster, a bit of pepperoni, maybe something else. Nana sent them an Edible Arrangement for Easter, so she has cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes and strawberries. In on of the lower side compartments, she also has a piece of carrot raisin cake (the other pocket holds her napkin). I also added a granola bar after the picture for her. Hopefully, it's enough to keep her going till dinner.
