Both kids spend their mornings at swim team, then Ben had Cub Scout camp last week We found some great hiking trails over at the park it was at, so I took the Dante pup for several morning hikes. We are really hoping the smoke from the wildfires clears up soon, there's so many awesome outdoor activities here and we would love to try some of them out!
We're also loving Colorado weather for grilling. If you haven't checked out the Summer Food Love post, you'll see why. It's all about yummy food and veggie co-ops and my grill.
We also hit a *major* sale at the commissary and stocked upon tons of the Hormel pork loins and beef loins. One of the guys in the husband's unit gave me the perfect tip for barbecuing them. Cut them in half (or thirds if you buy bigger ones) and place each half in a brown paper lunch sack. Poor any extra marinade into the bags. Roll up the bags and wrap each bag in plastic wrap, then wrap again with an outer layer of tinfoil. Place on the grill and until the wrappers puff up and the internal temperature reads right.
This is seriously the best pork tenderloin I have had. We used the Hormel Honey Mustard Tenderloin the other night, but I've got an Apple-Bourbon, Mesquite BBQ, teriyaki, and lemon garlic to try out this way, along with a beef teriyaki tenderloin, it's going to be yummy around here.
I'd love to hear your favorite barbecue tips too, if you'd like to share!
Disclosure: I have received product and information from Hormel Foods in exchange for being a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger. All opinions expressed within the post are my own.
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