Kid-made Bento

Last week, the husband and I had an afternoon appointment, so we ended up rushing about after we picked the kids up from swim team. Faith suggested that they could help out by making their own lunches, if they could use bento supplies. She even asked for my camera so she could take pictures of the finished product and I could blog it for her. No objections here!

Faith made herself a cream cheese and jelly sandwich, topped with some mini cheese designs, along with some veggie straws, some cherries and marshmallows, vanilla yogurt with dried berries, and two kinds of crisps (creme brûlée and blueberry-pomegranate).

Ben opted for similar, but cut his sandwich a wee bit too small (he ended up eating the rest anyhow, but  didn't want it in his box.  He made a star topped with a witch's hat, then crisps, veggie straws, marshmallows and yogurt with dried fruit.  According to his sister, he also ate cherries but did not want them in the box.

Lunch is packed in our Easy Lunchboxes (also available on Amazon).


  1. They did great! I'd let them pack my lunch for sure :)


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