An Angry Birds Bento for the Boy!

The boy still loves his Angry Birds.  I happen to still like Om Nom in Cut the Rope, and the little alligator in Where's My Water (does he have a name?), but he's about his Angry Birds.  So I figured, it was time for another Angry Birds bento for him.  Click here for our first version, and our OmNom bento.

Ben had one Angry Bird sandwich along with three of the pig sandwiches--all cream cheese and cantaloupe jam on 12-grain.  I accented them with muenster cheese, sugar eyes, and a bit of cheddar for the bird.  The bird is a basic circle cutter with hand-cut beak/eyebrows/feathers, while the pigs were cut from a bear shaped egg mold, with a small oval for the snout.

To go with that, he had kiwi, carrots, and a pumpkin cupcake.  It's all packed in our Easy Lunchboxes (also available on Amazon).


  1. Love your bentos. I hope to channel your bento abilities one day. :-) Swampy is the alligator's name.

  2. Lol, both my sons love angry birds too :). This is fab. I actually haven't made bento since my first was a baby, (maybe...5 years ago!) - I made them for my husband. Now looking towards making bento for the two boys in the not-too-distant future, love your blog thanks.

  3. So cute! I showed my two year old and he just laughed at the screen. I guess I'll be making these soon too!!


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