World Animal Day - Elephant Bento

So, today is World Animal Day, and as usual in our house, we are celebrating the majestic elephant. However, due to circumstances beyond my control (aka my flight was delayed and I got in at 11pm instead of 8pm), I'm not using one of my very best ever elephant lunches.

But, thanks to the wonders of PicMonkey, I did collage some awesome elephant inspiration for you, and would suggest searching either "elephant" or "Peanut" in the handy-dandy search box on the sidebar.  As a toddler, Ben called all elephants Peanuts, so many of our lunches were so named.

Now, this lunch features some awesome new Peanut picks from a friend, so it's now my official World Animal Day Lunch.  Ben had cheese cubes, pretzels, a boiled egg (sliced), carrots and watermelon, accented with two really cool elephant fork picks, packed in a Lock & Lock 4-square lunchbox.

Now this?  Just some of *many* examples of elephant lunches we've had over the years.  Again, try the search and you'll find tons more.

If you're looking for more animal inspiration, some bento blogging friends and I have a great hop going on, each blog hosting a different animal!  Click on the box below to hop over to Julie at MommaSays to see her tiger bento, then follow the link to more!


  1. Cute!! Sorry your flight was so delayed, but the lunches are still adorable!

  2. Sorry about your late flight but great lunches nonetheless!

  3. Hope you got some rest last night! I love how a simple pick makes lunch so cute! Love your collage! :)

  4. Your elephant lunches are very cute and such great ideas!

  5. Always love your lunches, Shannon!!

  6. Hope u get a good rest! Love compilation of the elephant lunches. :)

  7. Looks really tasty, love those picks! Your past elephant lunches are all gorgeous :-)

  8. So many cute elephants to look at! :)

  9. Love all the elephants! They are one of my favorite animals.

  10. Even with a delayed flight you have amazing input! I loved everyone of your elephant ideas! So cool!

  11. Sorry about the flight! But adorable lunch!

  12. Well done. I probably would've skipped it if my plane were delayed. You did a great job!

  13. Elephant are soooo cute!!!! (^_^)

  14. I like them all especially the cheese elephant!

  15. Shannon this is awesome. Delayed or not, you always deliver nutritious and fun meals each time. I honestly love it :)

  16. Nathan loves his Ellie! And he'd love this great lunch!

  17. Elephants abound! no pink ones...That's good! Hiccup!

  18. Elephants are awesome and so are your lunches!

  19. Cute picks! You really have made some adorable elephant lunches!

  20. Love all of your elephants :D Hope you've gotten some rest now!

  21. Love the elephants! Hope you got some rest today!

  22. OMG! So many awesome elephant lunches! Love them all!

  23. Super cute ideas of how to make elephants! :)


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