Cheerios Family Breakfast Project

Everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it's definitely the most rushed meal too!  In our house, we typically have staggered breakfasts, based on what time every person wakes up and where they need to be.

But this week, we're trying something new.  We're partnering with Cheerios and the Family Dinner Project (their mission is to help families connect during a meaningful family meal) to launch the Family Breakfast Project!

What is the Family Breakfast Project? It's a plan to encourage families to take seven minutes for seven days to have family breakfast and explore the possibilities the day brings!

Cheerios provided us with goodies to help our family breakfast time, including Cheerios, breakfast bowl, and a guide for our 7 day plan.  F&B especially loved reading through the guide for ideas on how we can make the most of the breakfast time.  One of my favorite suggestions is to simplify busy mornings by easy stocking up breakfast items like cereal and milk, breads/bagels and jams, fruits and yogurts.  The goal is to sit down and enjoy time with each other, not complicate the mornings.

The kids also liked the ideas on how to make the most of those seven minutes:
  • A wish & worry conversation, what do you hope happens today and what are you worried about
  • A breakfast musical playlist (we like actual musicals a lot, so you can guess what is on ours!)
  • Creating lunchbox notes for each other, jokes too, and puzzles/riddles are always welcome around our house
  • A simple acts of kindness jar, we really want to do more of these!  Faith had saved all the "Keep the Change" money from GS cookie sales, then took boxes of Thin Mints to the gate guards who had to work on a snow day on our Army base.
  • Recipes for breakfast cookies and other fun foods, cookies coming soon to a blog near you
  • And more
We loved the idea of this challenge, so we are trying to make it happen in our house.  I'm almost positive we can find seven minutes nearly every morning.  Will you give it a try too?

Don't forget to check out Cheerios on the web and on Facebook for more great ideas!

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op.
