Day Camp Lunches, Pack for a Week at Once! Day 5

Since it's summertime, the kids have assorted day camps to attend and are required to bring lunch.  Since I love the whole "Pack for a Week" concept (see Week 1 and Week 2), I brought it back for day camp lunches.  While these are for camp, there is no reason this wouldn't work for school lunches too!  It's still five lunches, five days.

Day Five, and the final day, of camp was blue day.  We used the blue lid for our Easy Lunchboxes and grapes were our fruit of the day.  I know, they are more purple, but blueberries were not on sale and the kids were heading to sleep away camp anyhow, so I didn't want to start stocking up on fruits till they went home.

I actually had my plan for this lunch earlier in the week, waffle dippers!  I packed some maple syrup in a mini-dipper in our EasyLunchboxes, then while Ben was eating breakfast on Friday morning, I toasted a couple of waffles and cut them into thirds to make dipping sticks.  He picked honey Teddy Grahams as his other treat since waffles needed a sweet, not salty treat.  Since he was this for lunch, I made him an egg for breakfast so he had a bit of a protein jump to start the day, and there was a small presentation for the parents at the end of camp with snacks, so I felt this would be a fun treat for lunch.  Once again, we added his snacks to his lunch and he was set for the day!

Want to pin the whole series?  Click Daycamp Five for all five entries on one page, then use the graphic above to pin it.

Want to use what we did?  Shop Amazon with us for EasyLunchboxes.  All the colors but yellow are included in the classic four-pack, while yellow is included in the brights four-pack:

