Star Wars Bento Lunch

Since it's the holidays, we haven't needed a whole lot of lunches.  But Ben had a Boy Scout meeting today to work on merit badges and it was requested that the boys bring lunch and snacks as they had a five hour time block established.  Ben is awesome and told me I could make him the Star Wars boiled egg from the molds I bought.

In his lunch, he took two Yoda sandwiches, ham & cheese on white bread, cut with our cookie press cutters because Yoda is awesome.  And the two sandwiches only left a little bit of bread from a whole sandwich.  To the right of those, he has a Darth Vader boiled egg, although I think I might need slightly larger eggs to make the molds press better.  Up above, he has a Rice Krispy treat, a mini orange, and a gingerbread Wookie, in keeping with the Star Wars theme.

Here's a slightly better close-up of the boiled egg and sandwiches.  I think I might need to try an extra large egg instead of a large egg next time.


  1. can you link your source for the star wars egg mold and wookie cookies? Thanks!

    1. The egg molds are from
      The Wookie cookie cutters are from an old Williams Sonoma set.

  2. hi Shannon, where did you get your yoda stamp. WS as well. Chris

    1. Those are Williams Sonoma too. They've re-released some of the Star Wars cookie cutters finally!


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