Summer Camp Quick Lunch

Ben's last day of sea life camp was also two days before we were getting set to leave on vacation.

Now, when we leave for vacation, I try to finish up all the potentially perishable items in the fridge.  And I usually do a really good job at it.  But when one of the kids has a camp lunch needed that close to vacation?  It's a bit creative.   Let's just say thank God for leftovers!

In this lunch, Ben told me he'd be happy to take the last piece of lasagna with him.  That morning, before we left, I boiled water and filled his Thermos will boiling water and sealed it.  While the inside was warming, I heated the lasagna in the microwave so it was crazy hot.  When it was ready, I dumped the water from the Thermos, gave it a quick wipe for extra liquid and filled it with lasagna, then sealed it tight.  It kept the food plenty warm till lunchtime.

I did set aside some fruits earlier in the week, so I added a mini orange and some strawberries in a Goodbyn Snacks container.  I really didn't want to open any large packs of snacks, so I pulled an individual snack of coconut cookies from our road trip pile to round out the lunch.
