Make an Easy Turkey Sandwich Bento

I have seen versions of this turkey sandwich all over Facebook and Pinterest this week, but I've never actually made one myself.  That had to be fixed, of course!

Unlike some of the really cute holiday treats, this one doesn't require anything beyond a sharp knife and sandwich fixings, so you still have time to make one tomorrow for the last day of school before Thanksgiving.

In this lunch, I made a turkey and cheddar sandwich on honey wheat bread.  It felt a little wrong to make a turkey shaped turkey sandwich, but I'm out of ham and we are moving in a week.  I made his beak from a little extra cheddar, added two sugar eyes, and a sliver of tomato for the waddle.

For side dishes, I picked an oatmeal bar, cut in half to fit in the upper right compartment, and a sliced kiwi for a fruit choice.  Again, move = less options for food, eat what is here!

I kept out several of our EasyLunchboxes to use during the move, so lunch is packed in that, and I wanted to use one of our Lunchbox Love Notes to keep with the theme.

Want to make a turkey of your own?
  • Make your sandwich, keep the fillings more on the plain side so you can cut it better.
  • Place the sandwich on a cutting board so you can really get into the layers while cutting.
  • Carefully, using a sharp knife, cut the turkey's head and neck.  It's kind of a peg person shape, but no real design.  Make sure you've cut all the way through.
  • Once that's done, cut the outside U into chunks to make the feathers (just straight cuts) and reassemble your sandwich in your bento box.
  • Top with a waddle, some eyes and a beak!
If you do it, share it on my FB page!  I'd love to see it!
