An Adult Lunchable with Pasta Salad

It's a new week, so I opted to spend some of my Sunday prepping food for lunches--boiling eggs, smoking chicken, making pasta salad, etc.  This way, we had plenty of food ready to go that just needed some quick assembling in boxes.

Today's adult lunchable features:

Bacon ranch pasta salad (1/2 cup, 200)

Boiled egg (1 egg, 78 cal.)

Baby carrots in ranch (11 carrots, 80 cal.)

Blackberries (1/2 cup, 31 cal.)


Total calories for the box are approximately 389 cal.

For costs, I feel like the salad was around $0.75 as I made a larger container of it and this was just a small portion.  The egg was about $0.15.  I've been guessing $0.42 for the carrots, add $0.10 for the ranch.  Blackberries were about $0.50 for the serving. Total box cost would be about $1.92.

As a budget hint, I only purchase fruits and veggies on sale.  This week, we are having green grapes, Cutie oranges, blackberries, and blueberries, because those were the best deal.

This box is an EasyLunchboxes Snack Box yet again, $12 for a 4 pack on Amazon.  I made 8 lunches this week, so it was quite nice to be able to stack them in columns of 4.
