Another Week & More Adult Lunchables

I did a quick grocery store run yesterday because I wanted some fresh strawberries while they were on sale.  Since I was there anyhow, I did a quick perusal for lunch items and found super yummy Applegate pepperonis marked way down.  They were only $1.25/pack and good through August, so they are now at my house and tucked into the freezer for future lunches.

Today's adult lunchable features:

White cheddar cheese (1.5 oz., 150 cal.)

Pepperoni (6 slices, 165 cal.)

Cucumber slices (1/2 cup, 10 cal.)

Green grapes (1/2 cup, 52 cal.)


Box total calories are approximately 377 cal.

For costs, the pepperoni ended up being $0.38 for the serving.  I couldn't resist it at that price!  The grapes were on an even bigger sale for $1.29/lb, so about $0.24 for the portion.  I usually estimate cheese at $1 because I buy that at the deli cheese counter.  I've been calling the cucumber about $0.25.  Total box cost is about $1.87.

The box is an EasyLunchboxes Snack Box again.  Find them on Amazon for $12 for a 4-pack.  Buy a pack.  Then buy another.  And then do what I'm about to do an order a third.
